Monday, November 15, 2010

August, September, and October

I have no idea where the last 3 months have gone! But we have been busy like everyone else. Some of the things that happened are:
The icemaker stopped working but the water was still on and so I woke up to(Dan was out of town) with water on the kitchen wood floor, and tons of water that soaked 10 shelves of food storage in the fruit room in the basement. I was a nervous wreck, but I called our home teachers after talking with Dan and before church and they came over and helped right then for the next 3 hours til we got it all cleaned up. They then turned on the fans to get it dried out. They were huge blessings in disguise. I was just sick about all the food we had to throw away, especially all of the sugar---but it all is just material things and can be replaced.
Dan started his masters
Dan got called to Primary and teaches the 8 year olds.
Had major car problems, but we were blessed in the way that it happened and that no one got hurt. Jill listened to the Holy Ghost's promptings and we were blessed.
Got Dan's classroom ready
Attended John Michael Montgomery concert and sat 5 rows from the stage. It was awesome!

Jill had her birthday on the first
Went to the family cabin over Labor Day weekend! We love getting there any chance we can.
Attended stake and regional conference. There were some awesome messages.
Jill's been working on family history and helping others with theirs
Jill put together an inexpensive Christmas gift table of ideas for Super Saturday and is on the RS activities committee.
Jill and a few women in the ward received tickets to the general R.S. meeting in SLC which they enjoyed immensely. We were very close to the front. We enjoyed eating at The Pantry before the meeting.
Dan and I have been getting ready for my parents to get home from their mission in October.

General Conference was wonderful! What a blessing it is to be able to watch it on TV.
Jill's parents got home!
Usborne Christmas parties
Took 2 nieces, 1 nephew, and 1 neighbor boy; and did 40+ family baptisms/confirmations at the temple and enjoyed dinner out afterwards. We are working on the other temple ordinances with the help of family, friends, and ward members.
Cornbelly's corn maze
Dan and my Dad went out on the opening of the deer hunt, but came home drenched and empty handed.
I was put in charge of a RS new family search activity to be held in November, so I have started to plan for it.

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