Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dan is TEACHER of the year at his school!

Dan was recently notified by his principal, that he is TEACHER of the year!

The following is an exerpt from the letter, "Congratulations! You have been selected by your peers as our TEACHER of the year! This is an honor that is well-deserved. You willingly help all of us in a variety of ways, and we are delighted to have you represent our school! We are very happy for you!"

Dan is completing his third year of teaching here in Utah. This past year he has taught a 5th/6th split, but will go back to just teaching 6th next year. He taught jr. high students for ten years in California, prior to us moving here.

Congratulations honey! You are an awesome teacher and do so much for your students as well as the school! I love you!


Denise said...

Great job Dan! Congrats on receiving this honor! :o)

Keri L. said...

Dan, Dan, the teacher of the year man! Sending best wishes for a job well done! I'm grateful for dedicated teachers like you! CONGRATS!