Monday, March 15, 2010

Baptisms for the Dead and other temple work

On the 3rd of March, Dan and I, took our 2 nieces Erin and Tara to the Timpanogos Temple to do family file baptisms and confirmations. They did a total of 17 names.

A Young Men's group from Alpine were baptized and confirmed for the 27 male family file names that we have right now. Our 2 nephews were unable to join us that night.

Dan did all of the baptizing and confirming. He really enjoyed doing it. The spirit was really strong.

Since starting family history mid-Jan, we have completed with the help of family members:49 baptisms, 49 confirmations, 24 iniatories, 6 endowments, 7 sealings to spouses, and 19 children sealed to parents.

Still to do-we have their family file cards: 27 iniatories, 43 endowments, 16 sealed to spouses, and 38 children to be sealed to their parents.

And their are still more family members to do their work for.

I am grateful for the spiritual experiences that I have had in finding names, verifying information, submitting, and then doing their temple work.

We appreciate all who have helped us thus far.

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